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English Sound-Alike Words List and Meaning

WritingSkills.web.id - There are some words in English which sound alike, but actually they have different meaning.

English Sound-Alike Words List & Meaning

The following is a table containing sound-alike words from A to Z in English and their meaning.

Words Meaning
Accept to receive
Except to exclude
- -
Adapt to suit
Adept proficient
Adopt to tailor, modify
- -
Advise to counsel (verb)
Advice (noun) counsel
- -
Affect to influence, to change (verb)
Effect a result; (verb) to bring about
- -
All ready prepared
Already previously
- -
Assent consent
Ascent rise
- -
Cite to summon, to quote (verb)
Sight a view
Site (verb) to see a location
- -
Coarse common, rough
Course a direction of progress
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Commence to begin
Comment (noun) a remark; (verb) to remark
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Correspondents writers
Correspondence letters, other written communication
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Counsel (noun) advice; (verb) to advise
Council a group, an assembly
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Decent proper, respectable
Descent (noun) act of descending
Descend (verb) to come down
Dissent (noun) disagreement; (verb) to disagree
- -
Deposition testimony
Disposition disposal, temperament
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Digression deviation
Discretion judgment, prudence
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Dissolution termination, breaking up
Disillusion to free from false impression
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Enforce to force, to compel
In force in power, in effect
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Elicit to draw out
Illicit illegal, improper
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Enclose to place within
Inclose in legal use, preferred in speaking of land
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Exceed to surpass
Accede to agree
- -
Formally ceremoniously
Formerly in times past
- -
Forth away, forward
Fourth the number: 4
- -
Farther in space
Further in thought, in space
- -
Later comparative form of late
Latter second of two mentioned
- -
Loose unattached, free
Lose to suffer loss
- -
Precede to go before
Proceed to begin, to continue
- -
Release (noun) liberation; (verb) to free
Relief aid, comfort
Relieve to ease, to remove burden
- -
They’re contraction of they are
Their possessive pronoun
There adverb showing location

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